Sunday, September 5, 2010

The "Zippered" Bodybuilder

As you know by now, I am a fan of bodybuilding. I am far from having the physique of a bodybuilder, but I understand the sport. About a year ago, the idea to compete in a fitness competition started to bug into my head. I always wondered what would happen if a man with a scar down his chest walked on stage, what would the reaction be?

I still have not walked on stage, but there is a pro bodybuilder who has a very similar "zipper". Kris Dim has been in competition for many years, but since 2007, he has had a scar down his chest, smack dab in between his pecks. Near identical to mine.

I can't say that he is a hero or idol of mine, I barley know anything about the guy. I can say, though, that he is an inspiration to many people. Kris Dim is from Cambodia, a country that does not have too many pro bodybuilders. Although he moved to the US when he was 4, he had the dedication at the young age of 15 to join a gym. You can tell by his physique, that the gym bug has stuck with him.

He had many career wins and many mid place finishes until 2007. He was at Olympia a few times and was an NPC champion in the early 2000s, but he never gained the fame or recognition of Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman, Dexter Jackson, Dennis Wolfe and others. His career, however, is extremely respectable.

On June 8th 2007, Kris had a potentially fatal heart attack. According to Dave Palumbo, Kris had emergency heart surgery to repair a split in his aortic valve. What caused the heart attack? I truly have no idea, but Kris being a bodybuilder I can safely guess to many stimulants, or a mix of stimulants and energy drinks. I can be totally wrong on that, it could have been a genetic issue, could have been an accident, or just a freak mishap... either way, he survived an incident that could have killed him. Better yet, he got back on stage to compete.

When Kris started competing there were very few Asian competitors. Even today, you don't see too many from the far east, and Kris has never gained the exposure that Hidetada Yamagishi has obtained. I am hoping that Kris can be an inspiration to other kids with physical disabilities. I am hoping that in a few years there will be an influx of bodybuilders with scars, or "less than perfect features." Perhaps the teenager with burn marks on him will now have a role model and he will not be afraid to compete.

Perhaps in years to come we will see that Kris Dim was a pioneer, and for me, I am using this as motivation to finally compete... 2012 being my set date!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Are you training WRONG?

The one thing I see in all the gyms I visit, and of course the gym I train at as well is people training wrong. Quite often people are using poor form, which leads to no, or fewer results and increases the risk of injury, quite often serious injury.

More so than that, I see people who have decent form, but are just training wrong. Bosu ball and quick circuit training is great for increased balance, athleticism and weight loss, but it is not ideal for hypertrophy (muscle growth).

Same can be said for people who are working a power lifting routine while trying to lose weight. Yes, more lean muscle leads to increased rate of calories burned, and yes, weight training should be included into every weight loss routine, but it has to be done the right way.

What I see very often are people who join a gym, do the same thing day after day, see no results and leave. On the flip side, I also see people who have been at the gym for years, look exactly how they did when they joined, because they just aren't putting in enough effort.

Since I am a trainer and a group fitness instructor, not to mention an avid blogger, I get questions on just about any topic. One of the most frequent topics are infomercials. Does P90X really work? Will Chalean Xtreme really get me a 6-pack? Is Insanity really that effective?

Here is the deal. Some people prefer to train at home, others in the gym, and others want to train in a team like environment. All the results you see on these infomercials are real, however, they are not the average outcome. Just like at a gym, some people will gain faster results than others.

I titled this article "Are you training WRONG?" The reason for that also includes effort. When we were in high school (or any level of education for that matter) the more you paid attention in class, did homework and spent time studying, the easier the final exam was, and the higher your grades.

Guess what, most of the time, training wrong is just because you are not putting in the fair amount of effort. You may be doing everything you can in the gym, and your diet is awful. Flip side, you are eating a clean and sound diet, but your workouts are lackluster at best.

Do these infomercial programs work? Yes, if you follow them as best you can and stick to the diet given. Due to genetics and stress levels, no 2 people will get exactly the same results, but your results should be suited to you, not compared to somebody else.

Gym memberships are not cheap, neither are these "As seen on TV" programs. If you are making the financial investment, make the personal investment as well. No matter what your goals are, they will only be achieved if you put the right amount of effort, work and heart into them.

I assure you that effort and desire, and sheer will power will be your best ally in the hunt to reach your fitness goals and any goals you may have in life. Study, read up, do research, create a plan and stick to it. Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice. Be open minded, but at the same time, be smart about what you take in and what you ignore, not all info out there is correct.

Getting back to fitness, here is my humble opinion on how to reach your goal.

To Lose Weight:
Do 2 to 3 days of weight training, lighter weights, 4 sets of 12 to 15 reps. Circuits recommended.
Do 2 to 3 days of HIIT Cardio and Bosu workouts.

To get major hypertrophy:
4 to 5 days heavy lifting. 1 muscle group per day. 5 to 6 exercises, 5 sets of 8-12.
If you do cardio do it much later or on days when you do not weight train.

For massive strength gain:
3 to 4 times per week. 20+ sets of 2-5 reps... HEAVY!!!

This of course is not the only way to achieve your goals, but they work, so long as you put in the proper effort.

I look forward to your comments and if you have questions, please follow me on twitter @trainwithoz or on MySpace under Ozzie Elias.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Plyo Circuits

Many people know that I love lifting heavy weights. I do not necessarily strive to be a bodybuilder, but my body is my temple, and I want a well sculpted temple! Part of a well sculpted body means low body fat percentage and little to no fat around the "belly" area. I do have a small belly... for now!

If you happened to be at the gym where I trained today at 11am, you would have witnessed what I call a Plyo Circuit followed by an ab workout and then HIIT cardio. It is perfect for burning fat, improving speed and balance as well as overall athletic ability.

So, what are Plyo Circuits... basically it is a circuit of different plyometric exercises. Do a set of 3 exercises, rest for 30 seconds and then do them again. I went 4 rounds of 3 sets and then changed them up.

I also incorporated jumping on and off platforms, push-ups, swiss ball sit-ups, bosu ball squats and deadlifts, and of course jumping rope.

I plan on doing this 3 days a week and mixing in 3 days of heavy lifting. That should just about sculpt my body. Diet wise I am eating only real foods... no bars, and my protein is all natural.

I am allowing high carb breakfasts, and carbs post workout... THAT'S IT!!! The rest of my meals are lean protein, vegetables and essential fats.

Don't forget to follow my daily progress on twitter @trainwithoz


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Personal Update

It has been quite some time since I have blogged. I have thankfully been very busy with work and my personal training.

I have started to notice nice gains, especially in my quads, back and triceps. I am working to meet those gains on my biceps and chest as well. I am eating carbs with breakfast and post workout only, and completing my meals with good sources of proteins and essential fats.

In the gym I am lifting quite heavy. I am doing roughly 5 exercises per muscle, with 4 sets per exercise. Set 1 12 reps. Sets 2 & 3 are 10 reps and the final set is 8 reps. I increase weight with each set.

In terms of supplement use, I have not really been using anything special, but I am making sure to get loads of glutamine and BCAAs. I am also taking N.A.C and will likely start with Beta-Alanine.

I am of course sleeping well, most nights I get roughly 8 hours of sleep. There is always the exception of less sleep some nights, so I have taken to napping on those days.

I will be attending CanFit Pro show in Toronto next weekend, so if you are going to be there, come say hi.

Don't forget to follow me on twitter @trainwithoz or on MySpace or facebook under Ozzie Elias.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Biceps of mass defenition

Most men, especially the 18-30 age range, LOVE working out their biceps. I can assure you that if you took a random survey in any gym, and ask the males what body parts they most like to train, biceps and chest are almost always the top 2.

Many people often ask me how to get bigger biceps. They wonder why their biceps aren't growing as quickly as they want.

I am going to answer a few questions today, and I will suggest a routine to try which may help speed bicep hypertrophy.

I want you to keep in mind a few things. #1 is that your tricep is a bigger muscle, and a well defined tricep will make your arms look bigger, thicker and fuller. #2 since your bicep is a smaller muscle group, it will never grow at the same rate as say your legs or back.

What many people do is overtrain their biceps. That can have a negative effect on hypertrophy. Remember, muscles grow during rest and recovery periods. Your biceps take a beating during a good shoulder and back routine. I do recommend an arm day, but only 1 a week, as your tricep also gets worked on chest day.

Here is a routine a found effective for me.
I did 4 sets of each exercise. Set 1 was 12 reps. Sets 2 & 3 were 10 reps and set 4 was 8 reps. I increase weight with each set.

Twisting suppinated bicep curls
Hammer Curls
Suppinated bicep curls
concentration curls
Pronated EZ bar curls

Try that for 4 weeks, and be sure to keep working the rest of your body, and get enough rest. I assure you this will get you on your way.

Have questions? Please feel free to follow me at

Friday, June 18, 2010

Are you sedentary?

We live in a very fast paced competitive world. Many people are stuck at a desk for 8 or so hours per day. Others are stuck in a car for a majority of the day. Are you sedentary?

Lets start off with a description of a sedentary life: Somebody who is sedentary is a person who is involved in little or no regular physical activity. Majority of the day spent seated and inactive. Quite often, people who follow this type of lifestyle also have poor eating habits.

Why is sedentary bad? Being sedentary is the leading cause of osteoperosis, arthritis, depression, coronary heart disease, and it has been known (along with poor diet) to lead to certain cancers, Type II Diabetes, obesity, back and/or neck pain, elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure. So basically living a sedentary life is a quick path to an early grave, or many years of illness and unhappiness.

I understand that life it tough at times. There are many financial strains and time restrictions. How do you avoid a sedentary life? There are a few answers, and they may not fit for everybody, but a few tips that often help are;

-go for family walks at least 4 times a week
-join a team and get serious about that sport
-avoid elevators and moving stairs, climb the good old fashioned stairs
-park a few blocks away from work, or take the bus at a farther stop
-go to the park and play games like tag with your children
-if you are stuck in an office all day, eat your lunch and then enjoy a walk around the block with a few colleagues.

These are not the only ways, and perhaps not as great as trying to hit the gym or pool a few times a week, but it will help without a doubt. Do not forget that diet plays a HUGE roll as well.

If you are stuck being sedentary and know the risks and want to change, please feel free to ask me for tips. There is always a solution.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Swimming to lose weight?

So the debate goes on... can you lose weight by swimming?

I have heard so many theories and explanations that it makes me laugh. I will share a few;
- you cannot lose weight swimming because you don't sweat
- yes, you lose weight because your muscles work harder to make you float
- no because you are not on your feet

I am sure there are millions more, but that is the general idea of how people react to this topic. I want to answer this question for you, and explain my answer.

Losing weight is a math game, if more calories are being spent than being put in, you will lose weight. How you burn those calories can play a role, but in general calories out greater than calories in = weight loss, plain and simple.

If you take an average 155 - 165lb male, and make him do laps (frontstroke) at a moderate pace, he will burn roughly 560 calories per hour. That same individual can burn up to 705 doing extremely intense breaststroke for an hour. SO as you can see, swimming is efficient at burning calories.

Swimming is perhaps the single best cardio exercise (as in helping your heart) since your heart has to pump blood to every muscle group and all extremities at the same time. If you are looking for a fun exercise to help lower cholesterol, help lower blood pressure, lower your resting heart rate, and simply to feel good, swimming is a very safe bet.

It is not at the top of my list as a weight loss workout, but I would never turn anybody away from doing it. There are millions of people who have taken on swimming, and altered their diets and have lost immense amounts of weight.

Personally, swimming is part of my overall training routine. I do laps for about 30minutes once a week. I rotate between breast and front strokes, and added to my clean diet and other workouts, it is for sure helping my weight management and my overall health.

So, to sum it all up, so long as your diet is clean, and you are swimming at a moderate to rigorous pace, YES, swimming can benefit you in your weight loss journey.

Please feel free to follow me on twitter @trainwithoz or via my website

Thursday, June 3, 2010

STOP counting calories

That's it!!! I have had it!!! Who has the time and patience to count calories? Why would anybody want to live that way? Same goes for Weight Watchers... why constantly worry about a point system. Point systems are for sports and statistics!

I have been down the road of counting calories, been there done that, saw little results. I have found a good balance that is easy to follow, will lead to better health, and help in your fitness results too! It is called moderation, variation, and portion control.

Previous generations never counted calories. In the 1800s, people ate when they were hungry or when food was available. It is ever since we have become obsessed with our health and weight that we have become sicker and more obese!

So what is the solution? Simple: Food. Like grandma used to make!

Breakfast and lunch should be complete meals about the size of a dinner plate. It should contain lean protein, essential fats, fibre, fruits and/or veggies and whole grains.

Supper should be smaller and be equal parts lean protein and veggies (steamed or as a salad).

Snack on fruits, vegetables and nuts between meals and drink plenty of water.

If you want to lose weight slightly lower the portion size, and be more active. If you want to gain muscle eat a few more complex carbs and more protein, and of course modify your workouts. If you want better health, stick to this plan.

I highly recommend you include the following into your meals at LEAST once a week,but the more the merrier;
Steel Cut Oatmeal (organic preferably)
Onions and garlic
Maitaki and Shitaki mushrooms
colorful peppers
Tilapia or Pangasius
Chick Peas and Lentils

That is a great start to a healthy lifestyle and you will NEVER have to worry about calories EVER again!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Portion size

Summer is here, and so is the desire to have that "beach" body ready. Some of us want to lose weight to feel better. Others want to drop a few pounds to show off, and some will do whatever it takes to get that infamous 6-pack.

There is nothing wrong with shedding a few pounds if you have a few pounds to shed. For many, dropping 5 to 15 pounds can be a huge jump in overall health. The question is, how are you losing the weight.

Although I am in the supplement business, and I make a living by selling fat burners, I do not see that as the answer. Many people opt for them, and if you eat well and workout hard, you will see added results.

For me, health is always the main concern. So by cutting your calories, eating proper foods, and increasing activity, you are losing the weight, AND increasing your overall health. That is a double benefit.

What I do see as a common error though is portion size. I see many people eating all the right foods and working out the proper way, but why no weightloss? PORTION SIZE!!! I can tell you that portion size is my common error, and although I know better, I often prepare myself too much.

Eating properly portioned meals and snacks will help rev your metabolism. It will allow your body to use what is being given as energy without excess being stored to fat cells. It also prevents dips in energy levels throughout the day.

So, what is proper portion size? We can talk all day about ounces and fist sizes etc... but for me the easiest way is this. For lunch and supper eat a normal sized plate divided into 3... 1/3 lean protein, 1/3 complex carbs and fibre, and the last 1/3 essential fats.
Example, for breakfast you can have an omlette 2 egg whites 1 whole egg, some fresh fruit and a slice of multigrain toast with a tab of butter.

For your snacks, enjoy either a fruit or vegetable, some fresh almonds or yogurt.

I guarantee if you keep proper portion size, you will start to lose that excess weight and you will FOR SURE feel better!

Have a wonderful healthy day!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Staying Healthy

I know I am in the mood to blog, but I am not 100% sure what I want to blog about, so this will be a random blog about things to do to stay healthy.

Lets start off by how we define health? To me health means being free of illness and disease. It means being mentally and physically well. It means not having issues with your health in general, and most important about feeling good.

I believe that I am healthy. I have no illness or disease. I have lots of energy. I am in a good space mentally and I am very happy with how I feel and look. I am far from perfect. I have things to work on, but they are in progress.

So, what do I do to get and stay healthy? There are a number of things that can help. I cannot say for fact that they will help you, but I guarantee they have worked for me. I can only tell you about my experiences and hopefully they help others as well.

So, what is it that I do? Nothing special really. Stuff that we should all be doing. Here are some of the basics;

- I try and sleep at least 8 hours a night. If I cannot get at least 7 hours a night, I try and nap during the day.

- I try and drink water regularly so as to keep myself fully hydrated at all times. This helps prevent excessive hunger, helps prevent dips in energy, and helps prevent headaches.

- I eat as many fruits and vegetables of all colors as possible. Especially berries! I personally try and get organic produce, but that is not always an option financially, but 95% of my fruits and veggies are organic.

- The only grains I eat are whole grains and sprouted grains. Buckwheat, spelt, barley and lentils are a foundation to my diet. I also enjoy limited amounts of almonds, peanuts, walnuts, raisins and cashews.

- I eat a wide variety of fresh fish, and limited amounts of lean protein such as chicken breasts, turkey breasts and extra lean lamb.

- I no longer use a microwave... its been a few months now.

- I have replaced coffee for organic green and/or white tea.

- I exercise regularly. Sometimes I weight train (about 3 - 4 times per week) and the other times I work on cardio (minimum 4 times per week).

- I try and laugh! I watch funny clips on YouTube, I watch shows and movies that make me laugh, and I read funny articles. Laughter is the best medicine.

I hope that a few of these can find their way into your regular routine, and I hope it helps keep you healthy or improve your health.

Please follow me on twitter @trainwithoz or contact me via my website

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Why is smoking still legal?

OK, without being mean, I understand that governments are a little slow with change and progression, and they love their tax dollars, but COME ON!!! Do they not realize that cigarettes KILL!!!

Here is government mentality: Tobacco companies pay very high taxes. The smoker who buys packs of cigarettes also pays high taxes on the cigarettes. So the government is literally making money hand over fist.

What about health care? Obama has tried to implement new health care in the US and I am not sure what went down with that. As a Canadian, we have socialized health care, which is slightly flawed, but really not that bad. What is the cost that smokers are putting on health care?

I do not have concrete stats, nor do I need them. Smoking directly and indirectly kills thousands per year. How many cancers could have been avoided? How many patients are hospitalized due to severe breathing issues? How many burn victims due to fires started by cigarettes? Heart disease and stroke? Do I need to go on?

The government is looking at today, without any vision towards the future. Make smoking illegal, lose some revenue now, and save BILLIONS in health care in the next 50 years.

Yes, I understand people will still smoke, and I understand that cigarettes will be treated and praised like marijuana etc... But for the most part, banning it will lead to benefits. It would take years to get regulations in place, but somebody has to take that first step.

I will commend local governments that have banned smoking in public places and there are even a few places that hand tiockets to smokers who smoke in a car while children are present, but is that enough?

I would love your feedback and opinions.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Losing Weight vs Getting Healthy

Food has become a large part of North America's obesity problem. It has also become the topic of many, blogs, TV talk shows, articles, books and documentaries. I have noticed that many people are confused about the difference between losing weight, and getting healthy.

I want to clarify this in the easiest way possible.

In order to lose weight, you need to expend more calories than you are taking in. 3500 calories equals 1 pound, so if you burn 500 more calories per day compared to what you consume, you will lose 1 pound per week.

When we look at it this way, it does not much matter where the calories come from, so long as there are more calories out as opposed to in.

If you need to lose weight, then the main rule still stands... you need more calories out as opposed to in.
However, here is where the difference lies. You need to see where the calories are coming from.
If you have Type II diabetes, or are deemed pre-diabetic, you want to limit the amount of sugars and simple carbs in your diet. You do not want to eat too many fruits, and you are best off switching from white bread and pasta to whole wheat or multi grain bread and pasta.
If blood pressure and cholesterol is your health issue, you want to increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Salty foods and foods containing sodium should be very limited or even eliminated.

I see that alot of people focus on getting thinner, but they do not always worry about their health in general. Many people under eat, and that too can lead to long term health issues. People willing "to do anything" to lose weight often try supplements that are safe for most, but may be harmful if you have some underlying condition. Yo-yo dieting has been proven to cause serious long term health issues, and we all know why it is called yo-yo effect. You stick to the diet and once you reach your ideal weight... KABOOM!!!

If I can offer 1 piece of advise, it would be to focus on your overall general health. I assure you that if you train correctly, eat well, and put out more calories than you take in, you will lose the weight and gain health.

If you need any help or need suggestions for doing this, please contact me on twitter @mytraineroz or via my website

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Where our blame should be

I can admit that I do indeed watch Dr. Phil. The last 2 days he has been talking about obesity. He had a panel of 3 obese ladies, Kelly Osborne (who just lost 42lbs) and 3 "healthy" guests which included Jillian Michaels of The Biggest Loser.

I think it is great that mass media is opening up the minds of millions to the obesity crisis and what dangers it may bring. Obesity can lead to personal and family crisis, and it will eventually lead to a general health care crisis.

The problem with how the show unfolded was this, it became a war of skinny vs fat. Too many people do not fully understand all the implications of proper eating. People do not understand that skinny people can still become diabetic or have high blood pressure. The same can be said that not every obese individual will develop diabetes.

There is enough proof that too much body fat prevents the internal organs from functioning properly. Eating high glycemic foods too often will likely lead to diabetes. Eating foods high in trans and saturated foods increases your risk of hypertension, elevated cholesterol, stroke, heart attack and an array of other health issues.

But who is to blame? Do we blame overweight people? Do we blame their parents? Do we blame the government? Who is at fault, and more importantly, how do we fix this ever growing issue?

The issue is not the obese people. They are the ones going to suffer, but it is not entirely their fault. Many obese individuals grew up in households where activity and proper eating was never recognized, and they just fell into the trap. They have been surrounded by fast food places, advertising, jobs that require little or no movement.

My biggest issue is with food manufacturers. It is them that add MSG to foods. They add the phony health claims such as "now with heart healthy Omega 3s"! Frozen beef patties with 18g of fat, as well as MSG and other sodiums are not healthy, even if they do add a tiny bit of omegas. Problem is, the education system never taught us that.

Phys Ed hours continue to get cut. Playgrounds are disappearing and concrete jungles continue to grow. Large corporations pay school boards to put vending machines full of chips and soda pop into schools.

There is nothing wrong with snacks. They are a part of life. Cookies, Ice Cream and Cake are part of childhood, and that should not change. What needs to be fixed is the portion size and frequency of these snacks.

Schools need to increase hours of phys ed and encourage after school sports or recreation activities. Food manufacturers have to take ownership of their products and state real claims such as "contains Omega 3s and 60% of your daily fat intake."

We have to fix this as a collective. We have to help educate each other. The obesity crisis did not occur overnight, and it will not be fixed in a few short years, but we must lay the groundwork now. It is not fat vs skinny. I challenge you to forget the "look." It doesn't matter what jean size you are, as long as you are taking steps towards optimal health. If your insides are healthy, the outer look will follow, and I assure you since you will have more energy, your personality will blossom.

I have posted a few articles about eating real food, and how we have seen the error of our ways. Please read my other blog and you will see how badly we have done in the last few years.

If you have any questions, or comments, please feel free to contact me!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Health vs The "Look"

I am a personal trainer. I studied the human body immensly. I have studied nutrition, sports performance, structural anatomy, basic physiology and quite a bit more. As a trainer, I see most people in the gym wanting to have either the bodybuilder look or the fitness look.

Most people don't realize that those "looks" aren't necessarily healthy. My main focus when training and eating, is to be at my health prime. I make sure that I train for the wellbeing of my inner body, knowing that when I am at my ultimate health, the "look" will follow.

I have noticed that not too many people agree with me. I find that unfortunate, although I would love your feedback on the issue.

Here is my point... when you look for the bodybuilder look, you need a very high protein diet which can be hard on the kidneys and lower intestines. You need to lift very heavy weights which can over time wear on your vertebrae and your ligaments and tendons. You are more likely to be using supplements (most of which are harmless, but the wrong mix can lead to trouble) and some may even try illegal anabolics. (on the steroid note, I do not judge, the choice is yours and only you can say what is right or wrong for you).

At the end of your serious training you may achieve the look you wanted, but it does not mean you are any healthier. This is the field of health & fitness... HEALTH & fitness!

As a trainer, I can tell you that I get greater joy from the older gentleman telling me that his cholesterol or blood pressure went down, as opposed to a client benching 4 plates. Both are incredible accomplishments, but which one will pay off more when you are in your 80s?

Happy Training!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The perfect activity

Many people worry about their joints, hips, back problems, their belly etc...
These worries are always there, and that's part of human nature I guess. There is however a perfect activity for everybody. This activity can help reduce the pain associated with arthritis. It can help reduce knee pain, help flatten your stomach. This activity can also help relax and calm you.
You ready?


I guarantee you that if you walk as often as possible, doesn't matter where or what pace, you will see benefits.

If you have arthritis in the knee or hip, or even in the lower back, walking is a great low impact exercise, and it can even slow the progression of osteoperosis.

If you have bad knees, walking is way less impact than running, and easier flow than biking.

Need to relax and calm down? Go for a nice walk along a river, or in the woods. Be it alone or with somebody you get along well with, go enjoy nature. Bring a camera if you want.

For that stubborn belly... walk at a quicker pace. To lose fat, you need to keep a somewhat brisk pace, and please be aware that diet plays a huge roll in this as well.

I can assure you that the long term benefits of walking daily are endless, so go out and enjoy a stroll, be it alone, with a loved one, with the family dog, or with a baby in a stroller.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Athletes and our era!

This blog is a bit off topic from fitness and nutrition, but I am sure that you will find it of interest, at least I hope you do.

I am not naive when it comes to sports. Sports enhancers, cheating, gambling, drugs and sex scandals are a part of modern professional sports, and I can accept that. I am not sure how new of a trend this is. Some of the best baseball players of old were known to be hardcore alcoholics. The "Black Sox" admitted to throwing the world series for money...

Unless you live deep down under a very large rock, you have heard about the sex scandal surrounding Tiger Woods. Golf never got this much attention. Here is a question for you, what does Tiger Woods being an unfaithful husband have to do with golf? He could be sleeping with goats, but he is still the best golfer out there.

Mike Tyson is the youngest man ever to become Heavyweight Boxing champion of the world. That is a fact that cannot be changed. Another fact is that he spent time in jail for rape. Do you remember the name of the girl he raped? To be honest, I don't.

Baseball has been under the microscope since the steriod scandal broke. I am personally against steroids for myself. I have no need for them, nor do I expect that I ever will. I will be very honest though, I don't care if players decide to use steroids. I like fast pitches. I like homeruns. I am sure the owners like filling the seats and selling jerseys.

In this era of sports, I find we are more enthused with the players and what they have done wrong, as opposed to the sport. People remember Darryl Strawberry as a 5 time failure who can't get off of cocoaine and hookers. How about this... he was on pace to beat Hank Aarons homerun record until he let drugs get in the way. We remember his failure, not his accomplishments.

Pete Rose made a huge mistake, and for that, he will not be in the Hall of Fame (they may have changed that, not 100% sure). Fact remains he was one of the best hitters of all time. He is still a popular person. He even was featured in 2 Wrestlemania events.

I like sports. Most sports anyways. Hockey, Baseball, Football. I am not much of an NBA fan. I enjoy curling and volleyball. I watch Bullriding. I follow bodybuilding and rollerderby. I watch to see players I like. I have teams that I prefer. I watch for the fun and excitment of the sport.

In todays world, as in Hollywood, we are more concerned with the players lives as opposed to what they do for the sport.

Can't we just enjoy the sport for what it is anymore?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Detox Products

If you go into any "health food" or supplement store I can guarantee that there is a full section of detox products. Some claim to be cleansers, others help detox the liver or kidneys. Many even claim to help drop 5 pounds!!! No wonder it is a multi million dollar industry, and it is found in a billion dollar industry.

I will say that some of these products are better than others, but most of them are the exact same idea... a whole lot of fibre!!! Does flushing your digestive tract really mean you are detoxing? Do you really need products like this to "clean out" your insides?

My answer is this... eat food... real food... the right types of food! You'll save money, get better results,and results that will last!

There are a few steps to "detoxing" and cleaning your body of all the junk that needs to be filtered out. Step 1 is to stop eating processed foods. If you don't stop eating these foods, you are always going to keep putting junk into your system, therefore it will never be cleaned.

Step 2 is to add more fibre from different sources. Oatmeal, lettuce, multi grain breads, fruits and vegetables. This will keep the "flow" of foods through your digestive tract, and can help reduce bad cholesterol and is a good step in helping to lower blood pressure.

Step 3 is to drink organic green and white teas, along with proper amounts of water. Green and white tea offer many vital anti-oxidants and water will keep you properly hydrated. Remember, water is the ONLY thing that can keep you properly hydrated.

Step 4 is to eat more anti-oxidant rich fruits especially berries. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, pomegranate, plums and citrus fruits should be consumed daily. Other than detox benefits, the long term benefits these fruits offer are immense!

Step 5 is to eat less red meat, or if possible, eliminate it. Lean chicken breasts are acceptable, but you are better off with fish, beans, nuts, lentils, chick peas etc...

That is the base to your cleanse. Other foods such as wheat grass, beats, kelp, kale, honey and cooked tomatoes can offer an array of benefits.

If you keep eating this way, even if its only 75% to 80% of the time, you will see how much better your digestive tract works, how much more energy you have, how much better you sleep. Best of all, you will not be drinking weird liquids, popping pills and spending money on products every other month!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via my website, or follow me on twitter at

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rome wasn't built in a day!

We have all heard our parents say that haven't we? It is indeed true, Rome was not built in a day, or even in a week. It was a work in progress for many years, and the last few hundred years it has been an effort of maintenance.

Like Rome, we cannot sculpt the body of our dreams in days, weeks, or even months. We must remember that patience is an asset and a virtue. It is NEEDED in order to see your best possible results.

Whether your goal is to gain muscle, lose weight, look more athletic, be a bikini model, time is needed. People do not climb Mount Everest in a day, its an entire voyage.

We live in a very fast paced world, and we often want to get from point A to point B, but we don't think about the ride, simply the final destination. I find with people who train, that often becomes the case. They want the big biceps, or the flat stomach, but they don't remember all the SMALL stuff that got them there.

Enjoy the ride!!! Before you can run a marathon you need to improve your 10k. Before you can bench 3 plates, you have to perfect your form on 1 plate. It is the small accomplishments that add up to create one final picture.

If your journey is health related, your blood pressure will not go back to normal after your first workout. You need to work your cardio, eat right, do some weight training, perhaps get involved in a sport. In a few months you will see a drop in your blood pressure and probably your resting heart rate too.

Don't get discouraged if it takes longer to get to where you want to go. There are bumps and distractions along the way, but stay on your path. Focus on your goal, and enjoy the journey towards it, it will make the final accomplishment all that much more amazing.

Please feel free to share your small accomplishments along your journey at or

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Veggies: How to eat them!

We all know that veggies are an essential part of our diet. They provide us with key vitamins and minerals. Certain green vegetables help keep our body alkaline, and other vegetables are high in fibre.

What I am noticing is that many people do not always get what they need out of vegetables, because of how they are prepared, or what they are prepared with. Since fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are the true foundation to our vitamin and mineral supply, I figured I would offer some advise.

Have you ever eaten a cucmber and peeled it? Did you know that there are more nutrients in the peel than the insides? Its true, by peeling the cucumber, you lose some of the benefits.

Broccoli is a funny vegetable. When eaten raw, you do not get all the vitamins that are in broccoli. To get all the vitamins you need to steam broccoli for about 2 minutes until it turns super green... that healps release all the vitamins and minerals. The bad part about steaming vegetables is you lose the enzymes inside. I recommend eating broccoli both ways at different times. I mix raw broccoli into my salads, and eat steamed broccoli with my fish or chicken meals.

What about canned veggies? WASTE OF MONEY!!! They have been played around with so much and soaked in sodium to preserve them, you get zero benefit from them.

Over boiling your vegetables also kills any of the goodness they have inside. If you do prefer to boil vegetables, do so for a very short period,they should still have a crunch to them.

Recently while speaking to another holistic nutritionist, he discussed the "rule of color" which states that you should eat as many colors in one day as possible, from both fruits and vegetables. You guarantee your vitamin quota, and it helps bring out your true personality, since your body has what it needs to function properly.

A few vegetables that I recommend you try and eat often are:
Broccoli and cauliflower
Peppers of all colours, shapes and sizes
Spinach, kelp, and bok choi
Artichokes and hearts of palm
Onions, shallots, chives, and garlic
Cucumbers with their skin
Lettuce (all kinds) and red cabbage

Those are just a few, but trust me, add them to your diet and you will see how much better you feel.

If you have any questions about nutrition, fitness or health in general please contact me via my website at

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What kids need

Kids are the future and our greatest accomplishment. As a father, I can assure you that the second you have a child or children, they become the motivation for everything. The sad part is, so many people are too busy to make sure that kids get sufficient play time, parent time and proper food.

As our lives get busier and more hectic, it becomes harder to balance all that is needed, but an effort must be put in. Our future generation deserves it.

As some of you know I take a course on Monday nights. Last night during the break I started talking with somebody who happens to be a secondary level school teacher. We started discussing ADD and ADHD and how to help kids that have focus and attention problems.

Both of us agreed that medication should be the very last resort. Our main concerns were slightly different, but we both agreed on the overall formula. I would like to share that with you.

1) Kids need proper nutrition so that their brains can get what they need to focus and have the ability to pay attention. Breakfast is an absolute must, and it should be balanced and healthy. Snacks should be mainly fruits and veggies, and lunch should also be balanced.

2) Kids need time to run around, jump around, and get rid of stored energy. By allowing kids to run and jump, and fall and get dirty etc... we are allowing their bones to properly develop, and they are getting the idea that activity is important, and that will carry on to the future.
Putting your kids on a team, or getting them involved in organized sports is GREAT, but they still need that time to just let loose in a park or backyard.

3) Kids need the attention from their parents. Be interactive with your kids. Read them stories at night, watch 1 TV show with them each evening. Discuss your day with them at supper time. Colour with them, or build lego or a puzzle with them. They will feel appreciated, loved, and it is great quality time. It will even help relieve some of your stress.

4) At times you must be tough with your kids. They must know that rules are set and MUST be followed. You are the parent, and they must understand that. This will lead to better behaved children in the short term and in the long run.

I can assure you that those 4 steps will lead to a happier and healthier child. If they really are ADD there are still options, but many kids are just lacking 1 or more of the above.

I have also noticed some kids are generally much smarter than others. If they don't pay attention in class, it is because they are BORED... they need to be challenged. Putting a child like that on medication is a crime in my books. Add stimulation or extra work to them and you will see an immediate difference.

Please feel free to follow me on twitter or contact me via my website

Monday, February 1, 2010

Good supplements

Ok, so many of you know that I am not the biggest pusher of supplements in the world. Yes, I am involved with selling supplements, and I do understand how they work, but personally for me, I try and stick to the all natural stuff. I especially believe in proper nutrition and hard work as the foundation, supplements are just an extra.

There is a lot of junk out there on the market and claims galore. The biggest hoax is the Acai berry fat burning scheme. Let me set this straight, Acai berries and their extracts are a great source of anti-oxidants, and perhaps an ok source of fibre, but they DO NOT burn fat.

Recently, I discovered a bar that is unlike the rest. If you read a previous blog I posted, I dismissed protein bars as healthy unless you are truly bodybuilding or training for a pro sport. However, this bar has science to back it up, and a variety of uses.

The SOLO GI bar is extremely low on the Glycemic Index, which makes it safe for those with hyerglycemia, diabetes, and kids who get hyper with too much sugar. The Solo bar is all natural with no artificial flavours or colours, no preservatives, and no sugar alcohols. Best of all, they taste great.

Due to the carbohydrates in the bar being complex, this bar allows for a contiuous amount of energy, without the sugar spike or the "crash" afterwards.

I know that this bar is backed by numerous scientific and university studies and is also approved by many pro sports teams.

To find out more about Solo, the studies or where to find this marvel, please contact me via my website

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Proper Breakfast

So many people ask me what I eat for breakfast, and what I feed my kids for breakfast. If you know me, or even know just a little bit about me, you know that cereal is beyond rare at my kitchen table.

Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. It feeds your body all that it is missing due to what was used during your sleep (your body's natural repair time), and it gives you energy for the rest of the day.

Kids like and enjoy variety. For that reason it changes up, but a few items are almost a daily regular. Yogurt and fruit (mainly berries and cantelope) are a staple. Hard boiled or scrambled organic eggs are eaten often. Multi grain toasts or organic muesli are given often. This gives the kids colour, carbohydrates, pre and probiotics and protein... basically a well rounded start for the day.

As for me, my usual breakfast is 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup organic oatmeal and fresh fruit. On some ocassion I will go with 1 egg white and a yogurt, and twice a week I go with 1 egg white and 1 whole egg. The yolk is a great source of choline which is brain food. If I do not have my oatmeal, I often have muesli mixed with yogurt and berries or I enjoy flax or spelt toast.

If you are having a hard time getting a good breakfast, and need some pointers, please feel free to contact me via my websites or

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More unhealthy health foods

A few weeks ago I posted a blog about some foods that people think are healthy, but truly they are not. I have received a few messages about that article, and many questions, so I feel I need to add another list of products that are not necessarily as healthy as they seem.

1 - Turkey and/or chicken HotDogs. These items do have less saturated fat than the regular hot dog, but they have very little protein, its is not a complete protein source and they are extremely high in sodium.

2 - Protein bars. If you are not a bodybuilder or train like an athlete, these bars (with some exeptions) are high in saturated fat, sugars and artificial sweeteners and flavours.

3 - Breaded chicken burgers - Again, a better choice perhaps than a regular all beef burger, but these breaded burgers are usually made with processed chicken, are fried for the breading to stick, and are high in sodium and cholesterol.

4 - Yellow or Orange Cheese - basically the same as Kraft singles, these are all processed and full of aditives. If you want cheese, buy the real stuff. You can now even find a wide variety or cheese that comes from an organic source.

I want to emphasize, if you have recently gone from eating horrible foods and take out all the time,to eating the above, it is a step in the right direction, but another step must be taken. What we eat is essential for how we feel and how we age.

If you have any questions whatsoever about your current diet, or are unsure about something you are eating, please feel free to contact me at

Best wishes!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Body Fat % and inches

I can't tell you how often I see people worry about their weight and not have a clue what body fat percentage is. If you really want to be healthy, you have to know your body's makeup and composition. Knowing how much of your body is fat is crucial.

I have seen people that were 6 feet tall, 200 pounds, and has 9% body fat. According to the BMI (body mass index) they are overweight. Guess what, they had no extra inches to lose on their waiste line, and thier percentage of body fat qualified them as athletic. To me that means healthier insides.

You can also take the reverse, for example a woman who recently lost 35 pounds, which is a great step, but was at 34% bodyfat. That is unhealthy to have that much percentage of fat. She visibly had inches of fat around her waiste, upper thighs and arms.

If you want to assess how healthy you are, or how well you are progressing on a weight loss program, yes, using the scale is very helpful, but your true keys to success are knowing your body fat percentage and tracking how many inches you lose.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A step in the right direction

I am very proud to have earned all the certifications that I have. I spent many hours studying, and many hours training. I have taken in advise from others, tried new ideas, and read books to compliment my studies. I think that I can say that I am quite knowledgeable in the field of health, nutrition, and fitness.

I am not however, too smart to still learn more. For that reason I decided to take a course that is very similar to F.I.T which is the course offered by the YMCA. This course os offered by the YM-YWHA, which essentially is the Jewish version of the YMCA.

I wanted to get one more certification, and I wanted it to have international recognition. I am not planing on moving, but one never knows where life bings you.

I have figured out that I would like to try motivational speaking. I think if I can enlighten people to start believing in themselves, and seeing how living a healthy lifestyle can bring other positive changes, then I am doing god's work. I believe we are all here for a purpose, and after much trial and tribulation, my purpose is to help others see a new way.

I am not special in any specific way. Yes, i did survive serious open heart surgery at the age of 7. Yes,I did overcome serious addiction in my 20s, but that does not make me special. Anybody could have done the very same. The only difference is I found a reason within to fight to make my life what it deserved to be.

Now, I want to learn how to help others do that as well. I have no clue what training you need to be a motivational speaker, if any, so I am very open to ideas, suggestions, links, other blogs etc...

As for this new course, I look forward to the challenge that it will bring.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Your Resting Heart Rate (RHR)

I am hoping that everybody knows that the heart is a muscle. If you didn't know that, you do now. Like all skeletal muscles, your heart responds to physical activity. One of the benefits of being active and living a healthy active lifestyle is a low resting heart rate.

What is your RHR? Your RHR is how many beats per minute that your heart pumps when you are not doing anything physcial. So basically, it is how many beats per minute when you are in "rest" mode.

If you want to test your RHR, the best time to do so is upon waking in the morning. I also recommend you test for minimum 3 days, and do an average to get an accurate RHR. The lower your RHR the healthier your heart is.

I am 31 years old, my ideal RHR should be 55 to 61 beats per minute. That defines me as in excellent cardio shape. To be considered athletic my RHR should be 49 to 54 beats per minute. If you want to see where you should be you can google resting heart rate and a few hundred accurate charts will appear.

So now that you know what your RHR is, and you know where you "should" be on that RHR chart, how do we lower our RHR. Easy, activity. The more physical activity you involve yourself in, the lower your RHR will be. Here is a note of caution though, over training can lead to an increased heart rate, so don't forget your relaxation time, and try to aim for 8 hours of sleep, which is optimal for your health in general.

Here are a few ways to guarantee a lower RHR, and these will also help prevent coronary disease and will make you feel better, and look better too.
Not on the list but most important is walk as often as possible!!!

1) Eat a diet low in saturated fat, but get your daily doses of poly and mono unsaturated fats. Foods like salmon, olive oil, peanuts and avacado are essential in your diet.

2) Remember to relax and enjoy leisurly activities such as movies, or reading.

3) Try and swim at least once a week for about 30 minutes. If you cannot swim skating, tennis, aerobics, spinning, dancing are all great ideas.

4) Get involved in training or a specific sport and go at it like you are a pro. Give 110% all the time, and great results will follow.

5) As mentioned, sleep. Try and get about 8 hours of sleep if possible. If not, try and get a short nap during the day. The benfits of proper sleep are endless.

6) Sex. It is a great stress reliever, and it is good for the heart and the brain. It also leads to better focus in individuals who have sex 3 times a week or more.

Having a low RHR can lead to feeling better, having more energy, and not having to worry about heart disease. If you need ideas on how to lower your RHR, or want more information about this topic,please feel free to contact me. or

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Keep your immune system strong

I want all of my followers to know a few things;
-I do not believe in vaccinations, especially the flu shot
-This blog is aimed at EVERYBODY
-If we do not have our health, what really do we have?

So, now for the blog...

It's winter in the northern hemisphere, and in most of North America it is snowing, windy, cold, and perhaps even full of freezing rain. The good news is that spring is about 3 months away, the bad news, welcome to cold and flu season, especially if you have kids.

Building a balanced immune system is essential in keeping your health and preventing major illness. Those of us that are extremely active need to focus more on this, as when we put strain on our systems, our immune system is the first thing to "take a day off."

Through proper lifestyle and proper diet, your immune system can remain at prime level, and you can prevent certain illness. I will even go so far as to say this can HELP prevent or slow the progress of certain diseases.

Here is what I do to keep my immune system functioning.

First off, I do take an all natural gelcap multi vitamin each day with breakfast just to make sure my body gets all that it needs. (Please see my previous blog for more on that). I consume L-Glutamine twice a day. 10grams in my protein shake after my workout and 5grams prior to bed at night. This is not only for active people or athletes, L-Glutamine has benefits for everybody.

I make sure to eat as many colourful fruits and vegetables each day, allowing me to get my daily intake of vitamins and minerals. During the winter months (Nov 19th to April 5th - my wife's b-day to my son's b-day) I take 1 000 IU of Vitamin D, 400 IU of Vitamin E and 1000mg of Vitamin C. I also make sure to consume large amounts of anti-oxidants.

If you feel yourself getting sick,buying yogurt with prebiotics and probiotics can boost your immune system, and will likely prevent gastro-intestinal issues. This is extremely relevant for children who are in constant contact with other ill children.

I must say this though, if you or your child has an ear or throat infection, reduce dairy to a minimum or delete it from their diets for a few days. This way the bacteria has nothing to feed on.

Wash your hands often, but don't get to OCD about it, we need certain bacteria to build immunity. Sneeze and cough into your sleeve, and most important, wash your toothbrush in boiling water once a week to kill bacteria that stays on them.

Boiling water with lemon and honey is great to prevent and cure throat soreness, and if you buy organic honey, it has certain natural anti-biotic properties.

If you want more info on this,please feel free to contact me.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A few words on Multi-Vitamins

If you have watched TV in the last year I can guarantee that you have seen a commercial for Centrum or 1-a-Day multi-vitamins. They are on over and over again. The topic of multi-vitamins is one that creates alot of discussion and even disagreement, but rarely are the facts brought out.

As a personal trainer and a naturopath I fully understand the need to get your daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

Since I studied naturopathic nutrition it would be nice to help people get all of their requirements from food, but that is often impossible. My "trainer side" knows that when you are doing physical activity, it puts added strain on your system, and your requirments are often higher.

Why do we take a multi-vitamin? Most doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths and trainers recommend them just to make sure you are getting everything you need. Personally, I agree with that. No matter how great and clean or colourful your diet, you may be missing something, so taking a multi-vitamin is that added insurance.

Here is what many people do not understand. Most multi-vitamins out there are made 100% from a chemical source. Your body has a harder time recognizing these, so the rate of absorbtion in diminished. Also, products, specifically Centrum, claim to add everything in there, and that is true. However, for best absorbtion, you need balane between certain minerals. For example, for the best calcium absorbtion, you need X amount of vitamin D and X amount of magnesium. Most pharmacy brands do not offer this balance.

So how do you choose a multi-vitamin? That is a difficult question because there are so many factors to consider. First is budget, you have to stay within your financial means. You want an age appropriate vitamin, and you want it gender specific.

Personally, I prefer gelcaps to capsules since they digest better, and lead to quicker absorbtion. I also prefer a natural multi-vitamin. Personally I use Progressive Multi Vitamin or Active Men. The recommended dosage is 3 per day (1 per meal), but I only consume 1 with breakfast. I know my diet is clean and colourful, and I take the vitamin to make sure I am getting what is needed. Too many people figure since they are working out alot that they can double or triple the recommended dosage, that is very hazardous and can be fatal.

Be cautious about certain vitamins and how they are sold. GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe both have their own brands of multi-vitamins. I know here in Canada the GNC vitamins are the exact same (even manufactured by) as Jamieson, which are half the price in a pharmacy. Employees at these stores, and other chains such as Vitamin World have a quota on multi-vitamins,so they will try and push whatever they can on you. This is not to say they are bad, or the wrong vitamin for you, but buyer beware... do your homework on these products.

If you want to look into more products by Progressive please let me know, as I use their products regularly due to how balanced, natural, and affordable they are.

Happy and Healthy 2010!!!