Friday, January 1, 2010

A few words on Multi-Vitamins

If you have watched TV in the last year I can guarantee that you have seen a commercial for Centrum or 1-a-Day multi-vitamins. They are on over and over again. The topic of multi-vitamins is one that creates alot of discussion and even disagreement, but rarely are the facts brought out.

As a personal trainer and a naturopath I fully understand the need to get your daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

Since I studied naturopathic nutrition it would be nice to help people get all of their requirements from food, but that is often impossible. My "trainer side" knows that when you are doing physical activity, it puts added strain on your system, and your requirments are often higher.

Why do we take a multi-vitamin? Most doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths and trainers recommend them just to make sure you are getting everything you need. Personally, I agree with that. No matter how great and clean or colourful your diet, you may be missing something, so taking a multi-vitamin is that added insurance.

Here is what many people do not understand. Most multi-vitamins out there are made 100% from a chemical source. Your body has a harder time recognizing these, so the rate of absorbtion in diminished. Also, products, specifically Centrum, claim to add everything in there, and that is true. However, for best absorbtion, you need balane between certain minerals. For example, for the best calcium absorbtion, you need X amount of vitamin D and X amount of magnesium. Most pharmacy brands do not offer this balance.

So how do you choose a multi-vitamin? That is a difficult question because there are so many factors to consider. First is budget, you have to stay within your financial means. You want an age appropriate vitamin, and you want it gender specific.

Personally, I prefer gelcaps to capsules since they digest better, and lead to quicker absorbtion. I also prefer a natural multi-vitamin. Personally I use Progressive Multi Vitamin or Active Men. The recommended dosage is 3 per day (1 per meal), but I only consume 1 with breakfast. I know my diet is clean and colourful, and I take the vitamin to make sure I am getting what is needed. Too many people figure since they are working out alot that they can double or triple the recommended dosage, that is very hazardous and can be fatal.

Be cautious about certain vitamins and how they are sold. GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe both have their own brands of multi-vitamins. I know here in Canada the GNC vitamins are the exact same (even manufactured by) as Jamieson, which are half the price in a pharmacy. Employees at these stores, and other chains such as Vitamin World have a quota on multi-vitamins,so they will try and push whatever they can on you. This is not to say they are bad, or the wrong vitamin for you, but buyer beware... do your homework on these products.

If you want to look into more products by Progressive please let me know, as I use their products regularly due to how balanced, natural, and affordable they are.

Happy and Healthy 2010!!!

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