Saturday, August 7, 2010

Personal Update

It has been quite some time since I have blogged. I have thankfully been very busy with work and my personal training.

I have started to notice nice gains, especially in my quads, back and triceps. I am working to meet those gains on my biceps and chest as well. I am eating carbs with breakfast and post workout only, and completing my meals with good sources of proteins and essential fats.

In the gym I am lifting quite heavy. I am doing roughly 5 exercises per muscle, with 4 sets per exercise. Set 1 12 reps. Sets 2 & 3 are 10 reps and the final set is 8 reps. I increase weight with each set.

In terms of supplement use, I have not really been using anything special, but I am making sure to get loads of glutamine and BCAAs. I am also taking N.A.C and will likely start with Beta-Alanine.

I am of course sleeping well, most nights I get roughly 8 hours of sleep. There is always the exception of less sleep some nights, so I have taken to napping on those days.

I will be attending CanFit Pro show in Toronto next weekend, so if you are going to be there, come say hi.

Don't forget to follow me on twitter @trainwithoz or on MySpace or facebook under Ozzie Elias.

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