Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Detox Products

If you go into any "health food" or supplement store I can guarantee that there is a full section of detox products. Some claim to be cleansers, others help detox the liver or kidneys. Many even claim to help drop 5 pounds!!! No wonder it is a multi million dollar industry, and it is found in a billion dollar industry.

I will say that some of these products are better than others, but most of them are the exact same idea... a whole lot of fibre!!! Does flushing your digestive tract really mean you are detoxing? Do you really need products like this to "clean out" your insides?

My answer is this... eat food... real food... the right types of food! You'll save money, get better results,and results that will last!

There are a few steps to "detoxing" and cleaning your body of all the junk that needs to be filtered out. Step 1 is to stop eating processed foods. If you don't stop eating these foods, you are always going to keep putting junk into your system, therefore it will never be cleaned.

Step 2 is to add more fibre from different sources. Oatmeal, lettuce, multi grain breads, fruits and vegetables. This will keep the "flow" of foods through your digestive tract, and can help reduce bad cholesterol and is a good step in helping to lower blood pressure.

Step 3 is to drink organic green and white teas, along with proper amounts of water. Green and white tea offer many vital anti-oxidants and water will keep you properly hydrated. Remember, water is the ONLY thing that can keep you properly hydrated.

Step 4 is to eat more anti-oxidant rich fruits especially berries. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, pomegranate, plums and citrus fruits should be consumed daily. Other than detox benefits, the long term benefits these fruits offer are immense!

Step 5 is to eat less red meat, or if possible, eliminate it. Lean chicken breasts are acceptable, but you are better off with fish, beans, nuts, lentils, chick peas etc...

That is the base to your cleanse. Other foods such as wheat grass, beats, kelp, kale, honey and cooked tomatoes can offer an array of benefits.

If you keep eating this way, even if its only 75% to 80% of the time, you will see how much better your digestive tract works, how much more energy you have, how much better you sleep. Best of all, you will not be drinking weird liquids, popping pills and spending money on products every other month!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via my website, or follow me on twitter at

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rome wasn't built in a day!

We have all heard our parents say that haven't we? It is indeed true, Rome was not built in a day, or even in a week. It was a work in progress for many years, and the last few hundred years it has been an effort of maintenance.

Like Rome, we cannot sculpt the body of our dreams in days, weeks, or even months. We must remember that patience is an asset and a virtue. It is NEEDED in order to see your best possible results.

Whether your goal is to gain muscle, lose weight, look more athletic, be a bikini model, time is needed. People do not climb Mount Everest in a day, its an entire voyage.

We live in a very fast paced world, and we often want to get from point A to point B, but we don't think about the ride, simply the final destination. I find with people who train, that often becomes the case. They want the big biceps, or the flat stomach, but they don't remember all the SMALL stuff that got them there.

Enjoy the ride!!! Before you can run a marathon you need to improve your 10k. Before you can bench 3 plates, you have to perfect your form on 1 plate. It is the small accomplishments that add up to create one final picture.

If your journey is health related, your blood pressure will not go back to normal after your first workout. You need to work your cardio, eat right, do some weight training, perhaps get involved in a sport. In a few months you will see a drop in your blood pressure and probably your resting heart rate too.

Don't get discouraged if it takes longer to get to where you want to go. There are bumps and distractions along the way, but stay on your path. Focus on your goal, and enjoy the journey towards it, it will make the final accomplishment all that much more amazing.

Please feel free to share your small accomplishments along your journey at or

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Veggies: How to eat them!

We all know that veggies are an essential part of our diet. They provide us with key vitamins and minerals. Certain green vegetables help keep our body alkaline, and other vegetables are high in fibre.

What I am noticing is that many people do not always get what they need out of vegetables, because of how they are prepared, or what they are prepared with. Since fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are the true foundation to our vitamin and mineral supply, I figured I would offer some advise.

Have you ever eaten a cucmber and peeled it? Did you know that there are more nutrients in the peel than the insides? Its true, by peeling the cucumber, you lose some of the benefits.

Broccoli is a funny vegetable. When eaten raw, you do not get all the vitamins that are in broccoli. To get all the vitamins you need to steam broccoli for about 2 minutes until it turns super green... that healps release all the vitamins and minerals. The bad part about steaming vegetables is you lose the enzymes inside. I recommend eating broccoli both ways at different times. I mix raw broccoli into my salads, and eat steamed broccoli with my fish or chicken meals.

What about canned veggies? WASTE OF MONEY!!! They have been played around with so much and soaked in sodium to preserve them, you get zero benefit from them.

Over boiling your vegetables also kills any of the goodness they have inside. If you do prefer to boil vegetables, do so for a very short period,they should still have a crunch to them.

Recently while speaking to another holistic nutritionist, he discussed the "rule of color" which states that you should eat as many colors in one day as possible, from both fruits and vegetables. You guarantee your vitamin quota, and it helps bring out your true personality, since your body has what it needs to function properly.

A few vegetables that I recommend you try and eat often are:
Broccoli and cauliflower
Peppers of all colours, shapes and sizes
Spinach, kelp, and bok choi
Artichokes and hearts of palm
Onions, shallots, chives, and garlic
Cucumbers with their skin
Lettuce (all kinds) and red cabbage

Those are just a few, but trust me, add them to your diet and you will see how much better you feel.

If you have any questions about nutrition, fitness or health in general please contact me via my website at

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What kids need

Kids are the future and our greatest accomplishment. As a father, I can assure you that the second you have a child or children, they become the motivation for everything. The sad part is, so many people are too busy to make sure that kids get sufficient play time, parent time and proper food.

As our lives get busier and more hectic, it becomes harder to balance all that is needed, but an effort must be put in. Our future generation deserves it.

As some of you know I take a course on Monday nights. Last night during the break I started talking with somebody who happens to be a secondary level school teacher. We started discussing ADD and ADHD and how to help kids that have focus and attention problems.

Both of us agreed that medication should be the very last resort. Our main concerns were slightly different, but we both agreed on the overall formula. I would like to share that with you.

1) Kids need proper nutrition so that their brains can get what they need to focus and have the ability to pay attention. Breakfast is an absolute must, and it should be balanced and healthy. Snacks should be mainly fruits and veggies, and lunch should also be balanced.

2) Kids need time to run around, jump around, and get rid of stored energy. By allowing kids to run and jump, and fall and get dirty etc... we are allowing their bones to properly develop, and they are getting the idea that activity is important, and that will carry on to the future.
Putting your kids on a team, or getting them involved in organized sports is GREAT, but they still need that time to just let loose in a park or backyard.

3) Kids need the attention from their parents. Be interactive with your kids. Read them stories at night, watch 1 TV show with them each evening. Discuss your day with them at supper time. Colour with them, or build lego or a puzzle with them. They will feel appreciated, loved, and it is great quality time. It will even help relieve some of your stress.

4) At times you must be tough with your kids. They must know that rules are set and MUST be followed. You are the parent, and they must understand that. This will lead to better behaved children in the short term and in the long run.

I can assure you that those 4 steps will lead to a happier and healthier child. If they really are ADD there are still options, but many kids are just lacking 1 or more of the above.

I have also noticed some kids are generally much smarter than others. If they don't pay attention in class, it is because they are BORED... they need to be challenged. Putting a child like that on medication is a crime in my books. Add stimulation or extra work to them and you will see an immediate difference.

Please feel free to follow me on twitter or contact me via my website

Monday, February 1, 2010

Good supplements

Ok, so many of you know that I am not the biggest pusher of supplements in the world. Yes, I am involved with selling supplements, and I do understand how they work, but personally for me, I try and stick to the all natural stuff. I especially believe in proper nutrition and hard work as the foundation, supplements are just an extra.

There is a lot of junk out there on the market and claims galore. The biggest hoax is the Acai berry fat burning scheme. Let me set this straight, Acai berries and their extracts are a great source of anti-oxidants, and perhaps an ok source of fibre, but they DO NOT burn fat.

Recently, I discovered a bar that is unlike the rest. If you read a previous blog I posted, I dismissed protein bars as healthy unless you are truly bodybuilding or training for a pro sport. However, this bar has science to back it up, and a variety of uses.

The SOLO GI bar is extremely low on the Glycemic Index, which makes it safe for those with hyerglycemia, diabetes, and kids who get hyper with too much sugar. The Solo bar is all natural with no artificial flavours or colours, no preservatives, and no sugar alcohols. Best of all, they taste great.

Due to the carbohydrates in the bar being complex, this bar allows for a contiuous amount of energy, without the sugar spike or the "crash" afterwards.

I know that this bar is backed by numerous scientific and university studies and is also approved by many pro sports teams.

To find out more about Solo, the studies or where to find this marvel, please contact me via my website