Tuesday, December 29, 2009

You may think they are healthy, but they are not

I don't enjoy grocerie shopping. In fact, you can even say I despise it. I do have to buy groceries though, I get cranky when I am hungry. I do groceries in a bit of an odd way. First, I go to a specific fruit and veggie store to get my fruits and veggies. I do my best to buy organic, but certain items are beyond my budget.

After I get my fruits and veggies, I am off to the "big box" store. This is where I buy my bread (multi grain and flax), my milk (organic 1% and organic 2% goat milk). I buy skim cheese, fresh fish and fresh meat. 99% of my meals are cooked by me.

I have noticed lately that many people buy certain foods because of how "healthy" they are. Some of these foods are not healthy at all, and I feel the need to share these with you.

#1 - Canned fruit salad. These fruits have been frozen and dethawed so many times that by the time they reach the can there are ZERO nutrients left. Since they are in a can they are filled with preservatives. If you look, most of them are in a syrup that has loads of added sugar or even HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). The new trend is fruit salad in water and it is marked SUGAR FREE. If you check, there is artificial colours and flavours, as well as heap loads of sucralose, which many pediatricians recommend kids not consume.

#2 - Turkey or Chicken Bacon. Yes, lets give it a bit of credit, it has WAY less saturated fat (the bad fat) than regular bacon. Turkey and/or chicken bacon is still 100% processed, stuffed with fillers, preservatives, and sodium. It has very little protein compared to everything else in it, and it is not a complete protein due to all the processing.

#3 - NutraGrain Bars. Yes, they do contain 8grams of multi grains and that is a good start. They are however, very high in sugar, and they contain many simple carbs that will cause you to be hungry again quickly. For a few extra calories you are better off having a piece of multi grain toast with a fresh fruit. The fruit filling inside a nutragrain bar is filled with sugar and artificial colour and flavour.

#4 - Extra Lean Ground Beef. This is a great option for you every now and again. I am not a huge fan of red meat, but if you are going to eat it, this is the kind you should be eating. I added this to my list because many people feel that since it is extra lean there is no fat. THERE IS STILL SATURATED FAT in this option. The other point to mention is that most meat contains a version of a growth hormone, so unless you eat organic, you are getting that "make me fat" hormone that is injected in these animals.

I must say, if you are eating these foods instead of chips, french fries, corner store pepperoni and buckets of ice cream, you are on the right track. However, as you start to take better care of yourself, you will start to see the benefits of eating "real" food, and not the premade stuff.

If you have any concerns about some of the foods you are eating, or you are feeding your family, please feel free to email me at mytraineroz@gmail.com.

Eat Well,Train Hard, Be Positive!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Carbs are misunderstood

If you take a survey in any gym right now, I guarantee most people will agree with the following statement. To lose weight, drop carbs, and to gain weight, eat more carbs. Do you agree with that comment? It is for the most part FALSE!!!

Yes, if you want to gain serious muscle mass, you need many carbs to keep glycogen stores high, and you need the energy. You also need heap loads of protein.

I will say this. If you are looking to compete, or you landed a contract to appear in a magazine etc... going ultra low carb, or even no carb for a few days can have its benefits. However, for most people, that is not necessary.

What is important to understand is what types of carbs to eat and when to eat them. In order to lose weight you need carbs. You need the energy in order to be able to expend extra calories. Also, fat burns in a fire that is ignited by carbs.

Here is what I have found to be extremely helpful in my personal weight loss and that of my clients. This will also lead to better overall health, and continuous energy throughout the day. Eating balanced meals, proper snacks and appropriate carbs is the key to your success.

Here is what I mean;
For breakfast, you need carbs to give you energy for the day. You also need protein as your body is usually in a catabolic state when you wake up. A balanced breakfast would include lean protein, perhaps egg whites, some fruit, and complex carbs, such as oatmeal or multi grain bread. Other options are buckwheat or spelt pita bread, or if you must, multi-grain cheerios.

A good snack in the mid morning would be yogurt or some almonds. Perhaps with a fruit. This keeps your metabolism running and prevents any sudden spikes or dips in your blood sugar level.

Lunch, this meal should be bigger than supper. Lean protien, fibre, complex carbs (sweet potato, brown rice, multi grain pasta) and veggies of course.

Try a nice afternoon snack and then for supper you want to lower the carbs a little bit. Mainly lean protein and veggies.

After a workout you need simple carbs (white potato, etc...) to help get the protein into your muscles. Remember, the more muscle mass you have, the quicker you burn calories.

Understanding carbs is essential to your success. Don't get fooled into the NO CARB diets. They are unhealthy and they are not necessary for most people.

For more info please see my websites www.ozzieocean.com or www.mytraineroz.com

Happy New Year!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What you should be eating during a day!

I have noticed that many people claim to eat healthy or at least well balanced, but their diets usually lack certain elements, or are not well balanced to provide steady energy. Food is our fuel, and we deserve to fill our tanks with high octane supreme fuel.

Here are a few things you should be consuming on a daily basis. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, get or stay healthy, or train for a specific sport, these elements cannot be forgotten.

Carbs - YOU NEED THEM. Get your daily source of carbs from multi grain breads, multi grain pasta, sweet potatos, buckwheat, spelt, flax and other whole grains. Steel cut oatmeal is a personal favorite.

Lean Protein - try and select protein sources that are lower in cholesterol and saturated fat. Most fish, chicken and turkey breasts are your best bets. Egg whites are also a good source of protein, and for variety skim cheese is great.

Fruits - especially berries. Fruits are full of vitamins, and all berries contain anti-oxidants. Most fruits also provide a good source of fibre.

Veggies - try and eat as many colourful veggies as possible. This will assure you are getting the vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

EFAs - HUH? Essential Fatty Acids, AKA, good fats. Olive oil, peanuts, salmon, flax seeds all provide a good source of EFAs. These good fats help you burn body fat, eat away at saturated fat. They are good for your heart and help with concentration.

I personally recommend you eat 5 to 6 small meals every 3 hours or so. Make sure that you do not intake too many calories, and keep your meals balanced and containing all of the above.

For more information about proper nutrition please contact me through my websites, www.mytraineroz.com or www.ozzieocean.com.

Happy Holidays!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Infomercials, and my 2 cents on them

Have you ever woken up on a lazy weekend morning, made some coffee or tea, and then curled back into bed, turn on the TV and you see an infomercial guaranteeing you to lose 10 pounds or 10 inches in 10 days?

The direct marketing business as a whole is worth 100 billion a year in North America alone. The fitness industry as a whole is worth over 1 billion annually. It is very obvious that direct marketing works.

Now how do you select a program or product if you do decide to travel that route? Basically, keep an open mind, know that the models you see in the infomercial are trained and toned models, and you will probably not get the AMAZING results you see on the screen. They can work if you work them properly.

Personally, I have tried Hip Hop Abs and found it way too hard to follow. If you have the patience to keep with it, or dance experience, yes, the program will help you lose weight, but you also have to follow a calorie restricted diet.

P90X is an amazing program, but it is not designed for everybody. You really have to be dedicated, and usually the people who see the best results with this program have been training for years, or used to be very athletic and are now getting back to that. Again, diet is a huge key to your success with this program.

My personal favorite is the 10 Minute Trainer. It does work so long as you do 2 or 3 of the 10 minute DVDs per day. Here a low calorie diet is essential or you will see NO resulys whatsoever. For me, this program is great for days where I find I really have no time, or those days where I feel like burning a few extra calories, but it will never be my main program.

I am not a huge fan of the "machines" that you see quite often. Yes, the Gazelle, AbCircle Pro, and Bowflex all work, but you need to dedicate yourself to them, mostly watch your diet, and other workouts are recommended.

I guess what I am trying to say is that diet alone can change you. These programs do help, but they are not the only answer, and its your dedication that can make it effective.

You also have to beware of immitations and lesser quality products. Certain claims are not real. SWAT Bootcamp is NOT taught to SWAT members, I can guarantee that.

Train hard, eat right, think positive!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

If you are what you eat...

I have personally always loved that quote. I have made many crude references to what men would want to be if that were true... But at the end of it all, that quote is very true, you are what you eat.

Let me explain this. If you eat take out food. Processed food, and fatty foods, you are essentially overweight and even if you are not, your liver and arteries will be clogged and full of fat, just like the food you have consumed.

On the flip side, if you eat many colourful fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean protein (animal or otherwise) you will have a body full of proper nutrients and essential elements to leading an active life. I assure you that if you eat many colours throughout the day, you will have more energy, your energy level will not crash and you will seem happier, allowing your personality to shine. That makes you a colourful individual (you can roll your eyes here if you wish).

You want to lean out and get a bit skinnier? Sounds good, eat foods that are very lean such as tuna, chicken breast, baked beans, and make sure to get lots of fibre in there too. You eat lean food in the right quantities at the right times, you shall get lean... you are what you eat.

Ok, so you are too skinny and want to add some size, no problem. Whole grains, dairy products and a bit more protein will help you get that way. You are eating fuller foods, and you too shall fill out without risking your health.

For more information about diet, or how certain diets can help you in life, please feel free to contact me at mytraineroz@gmail.com.

Happy Holidays everybody!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I want to welcome you all to my new blog.
This blog will be about nutrition and training methods.
As I continue to work on myself, and help others on their journeys, i want to share with you all that I have experienced.
If there is a topic you would like me to discuss, please feel free to ask, and I will do my best.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and Festive Holiday Season.
See you soon!
