Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Detox Products

If you go into any "health food" or supplement store I can guarantee that there is a full section of detox products. Some claim to be cleansers, others help detox the liver or kidneys. Many even claim to help drop 5 pounds!!! No wonder it is a multi million dollar industry, and it is found in a billion dollar industry.

I will say that some of these products are better than others, but most of them are the exact same idea... a whole lot of fibre!!! Does flushing your digestive tract really mean you are detoxing? Do you really need products like this to "clean out" your insides?

My answer is this... eat food... real food... the right types of food! You'll save money, get better results,and results that will last!

There are a few steps to "detoxing" and cleaning your body of all the junk that needs to be filtered out. Step 1 is to stop eating processed foods. If you don't stop eating these foods, you are always going to keep putting junk into your system, therefore it will never be cleaned.

Step 2 is to add more fibre from different sources. Oatmeal, lettuce, multi grain breads, fruits and vegetables. This will keep the "flow" of foods through your digestive tract, and can help reduce bad cholesterol and is a good step in helping to lower blood pressure.

Step 3 is to drink organic green and white teas, along with proper amounts of water. Green and white tea offer many vital anti-oxidants and water will keep you properly hydrated. Remember, water is the ONLY thing that can keep you properly hydrated.

Step 4 is to eat more anti-oxidant rich fruits especially berries. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, pomegranate, plums and citrus fruits should be consumed daily. Other than detox benefits, the long term benefits these fruits offer are immense!

Step 5 is to eat less red meat, or if possible, eliminate it. Lean chicken breasts are acceptable, but you are better off with fish, beans, nuts, lentils, chick peas etc...

That is the base to your cleanse. Other foods such as wheat grass, beats, kelp, kale, honey and cooked tomatoes can offer an array of benefits.

If you keep eating this way, even if its only 75% to 80% of the time, you will see how much better your digestive tract works, how much more energy you have, how much better you sleep. Best of all, you will not be drinking weird liquids, popping pills and spending money on products every other month!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via my website, or follow me on twitter at

1 comment:

  1. You really had very nice points on how to detox body. Your post has been really very helpful to me and I think that it will help a lot of other people also. Another point that I would like to add is that you have to drink a lot of water if you want to detoxify your body.
