Sunday, December 20, 2009

Infomercials, and my 2 cents on them

Have you ever woken up on a lazy weekend morning, made some coffee or tea, and then curled back into bed, turn on the TV and you see an infomercial guaranteeing you to lose 10 pounds or 10 inches in 10 days?

The direct marketing business as a whole is worth 100 billion a year in North America alone. The fitness industry as a whole is worth over 1 billion annually. It is very obvious that direct marketing works.

Now how do you select a program or product if you do decide to travel that route? Basically, keep an open mind, know that the models you see in the infomercial are trained and toned models, and you will probably not get the AMAZING results you see on the screen. They can work if you work them properly.

Personally, I have tried Hip Hop Abs and found it way too hard to follow. If you have the patience to keep with it, or dance experience, yes, the program will help you lose weight, but you also have to follow a calorie restricted diet.

P90X is an amazing program, but it is not designed for everybody. You really have to be dedicated, and usually the people who see the best results with this program have been training for years, or used to be very athletic and are now getting back to that. Again, diet is a huge key to your success with this program.

My personal favorite is the 10 Minute Trainer. It does work so long as you do 2 or 3 of the 10 minute DVDs per day. Here a low calorie diet is essential or you will see NO resulys whatsoever. For me, this program is great for days where I find I really have no time, or those days where I feel like burning a few extra calories, but it will never be my main program.

I am not a huge fan of the "machines" that you see quite often. Yes, the Gazelle, AbCircle Pro, and Bowflex all work, but you need to dedicate yourself to them, mostly watch your diet, and other workouts are recommended.

I guess what I am trying to say is that diet alone can change you. These programs do help, but they are not the only answer, and its your dedication that can make it effective.

You also have to beware of immitations and lesser quality products. Certain claims are not real. SWAT Bootcamp is NOT taught to SWAT members, I can guarantee that.

Train hard, eat right, think positive!

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